12111 W Maple, Wichita, KS 67235

(316) 942-7496

2330 N Amidon Ave, Wichita, KS 67204

(316) 838-7797

2635 W Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67213

(316) 942-7496

415 SE Louis Dr, Mulvane, KS 67110

(316) 942-7496

8150 E Douglas Ave Ste 50, Wichita, KS 67206

(316) 942-7496

Dry Eye FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Dry Eye at Wichita Optometry

If your eyes have been bothering you lately, you may be wondering whether or not you have a problem commonly known as dry eye syndrome. You may also be puzzling over why this problem is occurring, and what you can do to stop it. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about dry eye syndrome we hear at Wichita Optometry in Wichita and Mulvane, KS.

dry eye

What Kind of Condition Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eyes aren't any one condition in particular, instead, they're a syndrome, or series of related symptoms, that occur when the eyes lose hydration. This loss of hydration usually has to do with an abnormality or insufficiency in a person's tear film.

What Is the Tear Film?

The tear film is a three-layered substance that coats the front of your eye every time you blink. The bottom layer is made of mucous, and the topmost layer is made of oil supplied by glands in the eyelids. The middle layer is the water layer.

What Causes Dry Eye?

Most causes of dry eye are caused by an age-related dryness that affects the tear glands. Medications, contact lenses, wind exposure, and autoimmune diseases are also known to contribute to the problem. Some people even experience dry eye because they don't blink frequently enough, often because of constant computer use that discourages a person's normal blinking routine. Blocked or failing oil glands can also leave the water layer in the tear film vulnerable to rapid evaporation.

What Does Dry Eye Look and Feel Like?

Dry eyes will typically appear red and irritated. Other telltale symptoms of dry eye include blurring of vision, light sensitivity, itching, and a gritty feeling in the eyes. Oddly enough, dry eye sufferers often have overly watery eyes (an attempt to make up for the evaporation caused by insufficient oil in the tear film.

How Does Your Optometry Team Evaluate Dry Eye?

Our optometry team can check your eye hydration, tear film composition, and any obvious symptoms such as redness or irritation to confirm a case of dry (and eliminate other possible eye issues). 

How Does Your Optometry Team Treat Dry Eye?

Artificial tears and eye drops can bring immediate relief from dry eye symptoms. As a long-term strategy, we will treat your dry eye syndrome according to its underlying cause. Recommendations may include lifestyle or medication changes, environmental protection, different contact lenses, or treatment for a dehydrating medical condition.

Looking for Your Dry Eye Answers? Contact Wichita Optometry Today

Wichita Optometry has your dry eye answers. Call (316) 942-7496 to set up an appointment at any of our offices in Wichita or Mulvane, KS!