12111 W Maple, Wichita, KS 67235

(316) 942-7496

2330 N Amidon Ave, Wichita, KS 67204

(316) 942-7496

2635 W Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67213

(316) 942-7496

415 SE Louis Dr, Mulvane, KS 67110

(316) 942-7496

8150 E Douglas Ave Ste 50, Wichita, KS 67206

(316) 942-7496

What Vision Therapy Offers?

Vision and Learning Therapy

Many parents and teachers do not realize that students need good visual skills to support academic performance. Students need visual skills in 2 major areas: Visual Information Acquisition Skills and Visual Information Processing Skills.

Visual Information Acquisition Skills are skills like eye tracking, eye focusing, and eye teaming skills. Eye tracking skills are necessary to read and not skip lines or words. Eye focusing skills insure that the print is clear and remains clear for the time the student is reading. Eye teaming skills to insure that print on the page does not double or overlap during the process of reading.

Visual Information Processing Skills are necessary for students to understand or process what the visual system is gathering. These are skills like:

  • Visual Motor Skills ( eye hand skills);
  • Visual Discrimination - being able to tell the difference between 2 objects that are very similar yet different e.g. the word “these” and “those”.
  • Visual Memory- seeing work on page one and remembering that same work on page 5.
  • Visual Figure Ground- Being able to pick out a word or find a word on a page.
  • Visual Sequential Memory- Being able to remember symbols in sequence. Needed for Spelling and word recognition.

Amblyopia Therapy

Amblyopia-There are about 7 different types of amblyopia. The two main kinds are Amblyopia. The first type is associated with one eye being more farsighted than the other. This is called refractive amblyopia. The second type is associated with one eye not aiming where the other eye is aiming.

In refractive amblyopia one eye is more farsighted than the other eye. The one eye is so much more farsighted, that when the other eye focuses to see clearly the more farsighted eye is out of focus. Most people do not realize that without a clear focus on the retina vision, and all that goes along with it, cannot develop normally. The more farsighted eye develops amblyopia. Amblyopia is a very serious and complex visual problem. Amblyopia is decreased visual function secondary to not having a clear image on the retina. In order for vision (and all the visual skills that allow us to gather and process information) a clear image is needed. Often amblyopia goes undetected due to the patient using the eye with the clearer focus.

The second type of amblyopia is associated with one eye not aiming where the other eye is aiming. When both eyes do not aim together the brain perceives TWO images. The brain has to usually shut down the image (suppress) from the turned eye so only one image is perceived. When the brain does this vision is not allowed to develop normally. When vision is not allowed to develop, amblyopia develops.

Comprehensive Visual Analysis

Description: This exam is going to look at Visual information Acquisition Skillls and Visual Information Processing Skills.

There are 3 main areas we look at in Visual Information Acquisition Skills.

EYE TRACKING: Dr. Cline will look at the eye tracking system. The testing in this area will look at the following. Can the eyes track a moving object. Can they track a moving object without moving the body and or the head. Can the patient think while following a moving target. Can the eyes look between two targets spaced about 16 inches apart and have the eyes land on the target. Can they locate the targets easily? Can the move eyes alone to look between the two targets. Do they need to move their body or their head or both to locate the target.

EYE FOCUSING: The lens inside the eye in conjunction with the brain allow us to see clearly when we are looking at a distance or looking at near. Many parents and teachers assume that students can focus, “Just fine”. This is not always the case. We evaluate 4 variables of the focusing system. Theses are: Amount of focusing, Position of focusing, Stamina of focusing, and Flexibility of focusing.

EYE TEAMING: The brain working with the two eyes produces a single image for viewing at a distance and at near. We evaluate 4 variables of The Eye Teaming System: Amount, position of the eye teaming system, Stamina and Flexibility.

Ultimately we are interested in how all these systems work together to give a clear, single image that can follow along a page of print during the act of reading.

Developmental Delays

Many of us understand motor development. However many do not understand vision is developed as well. One has to earn and learn vision. As motor is developing vision is also developing. Vision can be impacted by poor motor development.

Sports Vision Therapy

In order to perform at the highest level in sports one has to have good visual skills. Visual skills like Eye Tracking, speed of tracking, speed of focusing, flexibility of focusing, eye Teaming (binocularity) depth perception, Eye teaming flexibility, eye teaming stamina, dynamic visual acuity. Ultimately we want all these systems working together to aid in an increased level of performance.

Strabismus: Non-Surgical Treatment

Strabismus is a visual condition in which one of the eyes does not aim where the other eye is looking. The eye that is not aiming with the other eye, may be turned in, turned out, turned up, or turned down. When the brain is not able to control the two eyes to aim at the same target it is looking at the brain will perceive TWO images. Seeing two images makes it very hard to navigate surroundings and produces visual confusion. The brain will often suppress one of the images (Turn off) in order to see one image and eliminate visual confusion. Vision Therapy, along with lenses and prisms is designed to teach the brain how to take two images and combine them into one image. The most common types of eye turns are those in which one eye is turned IN or one eye is turned OUT. It is important to diagnose eye turns early. In general the earlier they are diagnosed the easier it is to treat.


When a person suffers a stroke frequently vision is affected in some way. Some of those ways are: Double vision, blurred vision, loss of depth perception, Visual field loss, balance problems, dizziness, eye hand coordination problems, problems with visual perceptual skills like: discriminating the difference between two objects that are very similar but yet are different; Remembering words and objects that we have seen; Difficulty picking out a person in a crowd or a busy background.

Prescribing proper lenses and prisms can help with blurred vision and double vision. Vision Therapy is often prescribed to improve the visual systems ability to gather information and also to process that information.

Traumatic Brain Injury Therapy/Concussion

Traumatic Brain Injury can be caused by a head injury or concussion. Because so much of the brain is taken up by vision and all the different aspects of vision, vision is usually affected in some way by a head injury.

Head injury can cause deficiencies in visual information gathering skills and visual information processing skills.

In head injury, Vision therapy/vision rehabilitation is like physical therapy for the brain. Vision therapy seeks to improve visual skills that have been compromised by Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion.